He has given me a new song to sing, a hymn of praise to our God. Many will see what he has done and be amazed. They will put their trust in the Lord. Psalm 40:3 New Living Translation (NLT)
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I wish I had more of the creative, artistic ability to write a song from our part of the story from these last few weeks. Until I can employ or implore someone to help me write a song from this journey, I'll keep on singing LOUD in my own special, creative, "can't carry a tune in a bucket" kind of way! I can't keep quiet so I hope you will enjoy the tunes with me!
On September 30th we began a journey of watching first hand being established on a different level of God's peace and authority! A level that has propelled us into a greater understanding of God's love, His protection, His power to heal and the power He gives to us as His children to withstand whatever the enemy may try to throw at you! Earlier in the year we knew we had heard a specific instruction in our prayer time of a promise God had for the Haas family in 2011! We have had a front row seat watching God's Word become living and active over our lives!
Here's the story ...
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Chris had to have an emergency gall bladder removal on Friday, September 30th. What would normally be a routine surgery ended up resulting in a 24 day luxurious stay in the hospital and continuing in week 4 of his continued miraculous healing at home! The gall bladder removal had resulted in a bile duct rupture/leak that was not found until 6 days post surgery, causing his organ function to take a nose dive and begin to fail.
It was Thursday, October 6th and after 4 days of no sleep, I still strongly remember the doctors remarks of, "We are not sure Chris is going to be ok. He is in organ failure and multiple blood clots have been found in both lungs. We are going to do all that we can to help him and make him comfortable at this time. We will keep you posted". I saw their fear. I smelled the angst of enemy's tactics to try to take him out. I wasn't afraid of the doctor's expression or their uncontrolled fear. I can confidently shout that I was never afraid that Chris would die. I was tired yes, but I never feared for his life. I felt God's peace protecting every part of he and I - our minds, our physical bodies and our spirit. I knew God's promise to us would be seen! We needed a miracle and we knew we could depend on Him to show up!
The following weeks Chris had to have 3 drainage ports to help remove the bile off the organs. As every day passed, we began to see an increase of health in every organ! Each blood draw would confirm that every organ was getting stronger and stronger. Healing was happening!
Chris had not eaten ANYTHING for 2 and half weeks. He had lost over 25 lbs in since being admitted to the hospital! (His commentary, "It was the most expensive and difficult weight loss plan ever! Never do it! P90X is best!) We celebrated every step of healing - 1st ice chips eaten, 1st sips of clear fluids, 1st soft foods, then holy smokes - His 1st steps on a lovely walk with me! We were beyond thankful for the many calls, coffee deliveries (I'm still recovering from detox from the many Starbuck's cups consumed), meal deliveries for our family, fun care for our kids, and the many visitors and prayer partners around the world that has shown such love for us and many who stood firm for this miracle! We love you all so much and thank God for you!
Chris had not eaten ANYTHING for 2 and half weeks. He had lost over 25 lbs in since being admitted to the hospital! (His commentary, "It was the most expensive and difficult weight loss plan ever! Never do it! P90X is best!) We celebrated every step of healing - 1st ice chips eaten, 1st sips of clear fluids, 1st soft foods, then holy smokes - His 1st steps on a lovely walk with me! We were beyond thankful for the many calls, coffee deliveries (I'm still recovering from detox from the many Starbuck's cups consumed), meal deliveries for our family, fun care for our kids, and the many visitors and prayer partners around the world that has shown such love for us and many who stood firm for this miracle! We love you all so much and thank God for you!
It's just like the enemy to try to take down another if he can't take down the initial rebel. We know how his tactics work to bring torment, confusion and destruction. Just so you know... he doesn't win!
Here's the rest of the story that many don't know... I had an intestinal illness that began to hit me on October 17th. A CT scan the following day showed great concern to the doctor. "We have found a 1/2" renal cell carcinoma on your left kidney. We see that there is a cancer spot on your left kidney Mrs. Haas. It is a great concern to us. You will need to see a specialist in 3 days". Yes, I said they found cancer in me! I remember sitting there in shock! Thinking to myself and saying loudly, "What! You have got to be kidding! There is no way! Really? What!". Imagine my confusion and issue of listening to this report after we just walked through Chris' attack? Can you imagine my emotions at that point - Having to go back upstairs, to room 2219 - to tell my husband, who by the way - almost died just 2 weeks ago, that I have been diagnosed with a type of cancer!
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I am sure you could have seen the visible transition on my countenance as I had cried from being tired, confused, sleep deprived after a 21 day stay, getting healed up from stomach stuff to.. EXTREMELY MAD! I got violently mad, angry and yes ... a little more than mad. "You've messed with the wrong people this time! You have no idea who or what you are dealing with"! Something rose up in us that had never before. A resounding - ENOUGH! Back Off! A strength and confidence in God's power in us that could take any of the enemy's demon's - head on. Bring on your ugly self, we know how this ends, kind of mad! Chris and I declared against the gates of hell that this was FINISHED. We fasted. We prayed. We took communion there in the hospital room. We knew God could heal me! We had already seen a miracle of restoration in Chris' body! We knew almost every continent, friends in every timezone, friends across every continent was agreeing scriptures over us for healing! God would do what He promised!
We've kept this close to our hearts, not allowing doubt to creep in. We worshiped bigger. We gave greater in our love, our serving, our trust, our obedience. We trusted a God who would be seen! We chose that day how to "take it to a whole 'notha level" (as Pastor Troy would say!) in our spiritual authority!
We've kept this close to our hearts, not allowing doubt to creep in. We worshiped bigger. We gave greater in our love, our serving, our trust, our obedience. We trusted a God who would be seen! We chose that day how to "take it to a whole 'notha level" (as Pastor Troy would say!) in our spiritual authority!
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Here's the continuing love story... Chris was able to come home on October 21st! He has been continuing to heal, rest and get a little "back to normal" with enjoying his favorites - reading, journaling, History Channel and laughing hysterically with the kids. His organ function is off the charts compared to where they were 3 weeks ago and he is gaining more and more strength each day. The doctors are amazed at his body healing so well! He can't wait to be fully back into action!
Here is the awesome, incredible, make you wanna shout news received this week! Yesterday, I received MRI results from last week's scan. Per the doctor, "Nickie your spot that "looked to be there", is inconclusive. It's so much smaller than a few weeks ago. This is not cancer. This is nothing that is of concern. Again, Nickie this is shrinking and it's not cancer. I'm not sure how all this happened so quickly. I don't want to see you again till April". People I tell you - God heals! This chick is cancer FREE!
Eliana said this in the car one night after visiting her Daddy at the hospital, "The devil is stupid and comes to only steal, kill and destroy stuff. I'm tired of him trying to do this to my family. I want to kick him in the crotch!". Yes... that's our girl! To help clarify to her, of course I had to explain to her how we "kick him where it hurts" when the enemy tries to devour our lives.
Our Fighting Terms!
1. We worship bigger than we ever have! We press in. We did not allow circumstances to determine our level of adoration!
2. We surround our lives with the living Word! We were protective of allowing any doubt to creep in. We kept God's promises in the forefront of our lives and surrounded ourselves with those we knew would bombard the gates of hell with us with no doubt of watching God's healing be a part of our story.
3. We pray & STAND! Agreeing with God's Word! Standing is not passive. It's active and sometimes takes more stamina and strength that taking that first step of a run. We stood and refused to be denied this miracle.
Psalm 138:3 The Message (MSG) The moment I called out, you stepped in; you made my life large with strength.
Psalm 57:7 My heart is confident in you, O God; my heart is confident. No wonder I can sing your praises!"
Psalm 118:6 The Message (MSG) God's now at my side and I'm not afraid; who would dare lay a hand on me?
Isaiah 41:9 New Living Translation (NLT) I have called you back from the ends of the earth, saying, ‘You are my servant.’ For I have chosen you and will not throw you away.
John 16:33 Amplified Bible (AMP) I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have [perfect] peace and confidence. In the world you have tribulation and trials and distress and frustration; but be of good cheer [take courage; be confident, certain, undaunted]! For I have overcome the world. [I have deprived it of power to harm you and have conquered it for you.]
Isaiah 41:10 Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand.
Psalm 91:2 New Living Translation (NLT) This I declare about the Lord: He alone is my refuge, my place of safety; he is my God, and I trust him.
Isaiah 53:4-5 But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon Him; and with His stipes we ARE healed.
2 Chronicles 20:17 New Living Translation (NLT) But you will not even need to fight. Take your positions; then stand still and watch the Lord’s victory. He is with you, Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord is with you!”
Joshua 21:25 Not one of all the Lord's good promises failed; every one was fulfilled!
Wow is all I can say! God is awesome and a great healer!
ReplyDeleteThis makes my heart happy!
ReplyDeleteGlory to God in the Highest! Who hooo! - Praise the Lord all the earth! Thank you for sharing your testimony - and yes I agree this is what makes the enemy angry. I praise the Lord for the work He has done in your family. I thank Him for such a beutiful and Christlike minded sister in Christ. Blessings to you and your family.
ReplyDeleteThis is a definite miracle & a definite showing of how when His people pray, He responds!! I'm so proud of you for being so strong for your family while Chris was in the hospital & for always being such an awesome woman of God! You're such an inspiration to me & I learn so much just my talking to you or just watching you w/ the family. I'm so thankful for all the good news! We serve an awesome God, don't we? We love you all!!
ReplyDeleteShana B.
What a Magnificent God we serve!!
ReplyDeletePraise God! Nickie...thank you for telling me about this Sunday morning! I had no idea you had a blog...but man, am I glad you do! I am so thankful for you and Chris...thankful that God has blessed my life with both of you in them. I look forward to getting to know you and your whole family better! I am so thankful to Him He lead us to Freedom House...I just can't praise Him enough for the people He is bringing into my life, my husband's life, and my son's life - and the abundant freedom He is bringing our way!
ReplyDeleteI will keep on praising Him on both of your behalf...so thankful for you guys! Love you both!