This morning didn't quiet start out how I had hoped or planned.
The day began as normal with my quiet conversation with Jesus. Then here is the view ...
Getting the face, hair and wardrobe just right for the day. Let's go!
Grooming done. Teeth brushed. Let's go!
Bag's fully packed for my trek to the office, complete with my calendar set, planner filled and project list updated.
Lots to do.
Lots of passion to give to my day! Let's go!
Sitter arrives. Let's go!
To the car I go. Start car.
No go!
Insert adjustments ... Car refuses my commands. Grrrrrrr ... Plans now to be adjusted.
As I sit here waiting, for the faithful AAA rescuer on the way ... here is my honest view.
I wonder.
I think.
I grumble.
I take a deep breath in complete frustration again ...
"Let's go! I want to get it all in today! I gotta go. We gotta get this day started".
Insert grumbling again.
Deep breath.
Check time.
Roll eyes at the car.
Grab another sip of coffee.
Think about saying not so nice things to the car.
Cancel meetings.
I'm interrupted, gently - but with attention. "Let it go! Stop & Watch. Hear Me. Trust Me".
This time, in this moment, it's a different view.
I'm listening ... How to LET IT GO.
I'm watching ... How He directs.
I'm learning how to LET IT GO, and trusting that's He's got me ... and this crazy car repair day!
I'm waiting. Anticipating.
I smile.
When He asks you to "Let It Go", will you trust Him?
Luke 17:33
If you cling to your life, you will lose it, and if you let your life go, you will save it.